How to Book a Session with Coach Jackie

Hello and welcome to my swim academy! This blog post is to help you figure out which package is best for you and then go on booking. Included below are outlines of pricing, general FAQ’s and more. Hopefully this answers all the questions you might have about booking with me! If you still have questions after this post please email me at and we will get it sorted out for you.

Packages- the more you book the bigger price break you’ll get.

1 child/person

  • 1 lesson: $75/lesson

  • 4 lessons: $65/lesson

  • 8 lessons: $60/lesson

  • 12 lessons: $55/lesson

2 children/people- half hour per child/person in the same pool

  • 1 lesson

  • 4 lessons

3 children/adults group lesson

  • 1 lesson

  • 4 lessons

  • 10 lessons

Multi-child family (same pool)

  • inquire for family specific pricing. If we are in the same pool with back to back lessons I will offer a price break for your crew. I am ok if the kids are not all related too (friends, scout groups etc)

Adult Lessons

  • Prices are the same as above. If you have any concerns about booking or things you would like to talk about please reach out to me. Otherwise you may book any opening on the calendar.

Baby and me classes

  • The pricing is the same as above but these classes require at least one adult to be in the water with the instructor. If you have multiples and only one parent available please message me and we can make it work for you.

How to book

  • Head to this page to purchase your package: Prepaid packages

  • Once your package is selected log into your customer account to book on the calendar. You’ll see all the open time slots available on the portal: Customer portal

  • If you do not see a time slot you need please email me to inquire about open times. Please note that in the winter my hours are reduced to Th- Su afternoons. In the summer my booking availability is back to full time starting in May.

How to cancel a lesson

  • My cancellation policy is pretty easy going. The system says at least 24 hours but I know that kids get sick and life happens. SO long as I am not already on my way to you please contact me via text to cancel if it is under 24 hours.

  • If it is longer than 24 hours to the lesson you want to cancel, please log in to your customer portal and rebook the lesson. Customer portal

I don’t have a pool, can I still book?

  • If you do not have a swimming pool you have a few options. The first option is to ask your local community or friends and family if they will let you use their pool. Many times this works out for all parties and has even expanded into a group lesson for some families.

  • Your next best option is to check on Swimply for a pool local to you. Swimply allows you to rent someone elses backyard pool by the hour. I have quite a few students and families that use this option. Sign up for Swimply here: Swimply sign up

Can I get in the pool with my child for the lesson?

I always say yes! At a minimum for the first lesson I would prepare to get in the water with your child. We will work on getting your child to be comfortable in the water with just me so you don’t have to get in every time. Depending on the reaction to me as an instructor, your child’s age and how they respond to the lesson for the day this can change. I will always communicate with you what I think will help your child do their best.

I want to use my community HOA pool is that ok?

This is absolutely ok with me if it is ok with your HOA. Should they need it I can add them as an additional insured on my instructor policy for the duration of the lesson. Something to be aware of when using HOA pools is the temperature can sometimes be VERY cold. Depending on the age of your child this can be an issue. Please reference this document from the red cross regarding pool temps and check with your HOA that they are heating within these ranges. For a small infant class they do advise the water be closer to 90 degrees but I have taught those classes in water that was around 82 and it was doable.

Can my child wear his floatation device in the pool?

No. While I am an advocate for PFD’s in many situations I am not a fan of them being used in the pool when there is an adult in the water. In that scenario we, the adult, are the floatation device. Even with a PFD the child should never be left unattended. I only recommend wearing them as they are advices by the coast guard: Near open water (lakes, rivers, oceans) or on a boat.

My child does not like getting their head wet, do they have to?

The short of it is yes they do. However there will be no dunking or throwing in the pool in my sessions. I am a big believer in consent based interactions and if your child is old enough to communicate with words I will ask them before I engage an activity like this. I would definitely recommend using bath time and other rec swim time to practice this. You can demo this for your child by also goin under water and showing lots of praise. I will go over tips in every lesson if it proves to be a speed bump for them.

Any other questions?

Shoot me an email or scroll through my website. I’m happy to help answer your questions!